Various Types of Tax you Might Have to Pay

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a career person, we all have to pay tax, and, of course, taxation comes in many forms. Here are just a few of the taxes that you might have to pay at some time in your life.

  • Income Tax – If you are an employee, your income tax will likely be deducted at source, whereas if you are self-employed or run your own business, you will have to fill in a tax return in Stourbridge, which is easy if you hire an accountant.
  • Value Added Tax – If you need to be VAT registered, there are special taxation services that can handle this on your behalf and they will ensure that your returns are on time. It is imperative that you submit your VAT returns within the allotted period, otherwise you might be fined.
  • Inheritance Tax – If a family member leaves you something in their will, you may have to pay inheritance tax, which is something a tax advisor can deal with on your behalf. If you consult an expert, they will make sure you pay the minimum amount.
  • Corporation Tax – If you run your own company, your accountant would be able to tell you whether or not you are liable to pay corporation tax, which is a very complex field.
  • Capital Gains Tax – If you sell an asset and make a lot of profit, you may have to pay some capital gains tax, and in the event this applies to you, contact a taxation specialist.

As you can see, there are many forms of taxation, and if you consult with an expert, you can be sure to stay within the boundaries and not pay any more than you should.






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